The Family Shrub

Adventures in Genealogy

Cole Porter's Cousin in Peru

I was stuck.  A man sat across from me.  I didn't know how name.  I wasn't sure how he was related.  But I believe I was listening to his entire family history (which was long...considering he was in his mid-80s).  When we got to the story about how he saw Cole Porter...

Sad about genes

Genealogy makes you start to think more about genes...obviously.  When you see old pictures of family members you start thinking things like, "Wow!  That looks just like my brother!"or "Now I know where Bobby gets his red hair!" There are some pictures of my mother...

Practically a neighbor

So a friend of mine has moved to New Orleans.  She obviously doesn't visit very much because, well, she lives in New Orleans and "Home" is Indianapolis.  Which sounds more exciting?  Anyway, she came home for a week because of a baby shower and we hung out for a few...

A Long Darke Trip (Part 2 of 2)

Over the course of a couple of weeks after my summer trip to New York and DC I decided that I would create a Google map to identify important places in mine and Andrew’s family history.  This would be birthplaces and deathplaces (addresses if possible) and cemeteries...